Wine Tasting Event

November 6, 2009

 Chocolates and wine – this is always a grand pairing! And, this weekend you can sample over 145 different wines and champagnes at the Ponte Vedra Chamber of Commerce’s 8th Annual Wine and Food Fest. Don’t miss Saturday afternoon’s Grand Tasting event, featuring signature dishes from local restaurants, the University of North Florida’s Jazz Trio, and a Silent Auction.

We’re donating hand rolled chocolate truffles,  molded dark chocolates and Almond Butter Crunch for the Silent Auction. Stop by and bid on our chocolates – They’re the perfect compliment to wine and champagne!

The Perfect Gift!

May 22, 2009

Imagine how excited you would be if you received bags of caramel popcorn and chocolate dipped pretzels. Delicious treats combining sweet, crunchy, salty  and chocolate – it’s the perfect gift!

Local teachers were honored during Teacher Appreciation Week with bags of gourmet treats and hugs from staff members. This is one gift that’s sure to be a favorite!

Contact Beaches Pastry about ordering handmade goods for your teachers and let them know you really appreciate their efforts.

popcorn and pretzels

The 3/50 Project in Jacksonville

May 11, 2009

In today’s economy I’ve become much more cautious about spending money and stretching each dollar. Should I drop into my locally-owned store at the beach or head for the big-box chain across the bridge?

Well, the answer is now clear. Check this out:

Pick 3. Spend 50. Save your local economy. Click here for info.

Choose 3 locally owned businesses, ones that you would hate to see closed, and shop there.

Spend at least $50 per month at locally owned businesses.

If we all followed these ideals – we could make a huge impact on our local business community.

Beaches Pastry recently joined the 3/50 Project. Show your support for locally owned businesses – we look forward to hearing from you!