Think Pink – Breast Cancer Awareness

September 13, 2009

As Fall approaches, our thoughts turn to football season, back to school time and Halloween. Just as important, it’s time for Breast Cancer Awareness. The month of October is dedicated to thinking pink and increasing our awareness.

Aside from non-melanoma skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women. Breast cancer is the number one cause of cancer death in Hispanic women. It is the second most common cause of cancer death in white, black, Asian/Pacific Islander, and American Indian/Alaska Native women. (CDC website)

For further information, contact the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the American Cancer Society.



Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Cookies

Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Cookies

Fashion Dress and Handbag cookies

Fashion Dress and Handbag cookies

Celebrate the season by sending breast cancer awareness cookies for your family, friends, customers and clients. Whether you select the pink ribbon cookies, fashion cookies (dress, t-shirt, handbag), or fabulous shaped cookies (flower, heart, circle), your gift will be appreciated and enjoyed.

Customize your own box of cookies by choosing your favorite designs. Visit Beaches Pastry to place your order.

The 3/50 Project in Jacksonville

May 11, 2009

In today’s economy I’ve become much more cautious about spending money and stretching each dollar. Should I drop into my locally-owned store at the beach or head for the big-box chain across the bridge?

Well, the answer is now clear. Check this out:

Pick 3. Spend 50. Save your local economy. Click here for info.

Choose 3 locally owned businesses, ones that you would hate to see closed, and shop there.

Spend at least $50 per month at locally owned businesses.

If we all followed these ideals – we could make a huge impact on our local business community.

Beaches Pastry recently joined the 3/50 Project. Show your support for locally owned businesses – we look forward to hearing from you!

Laughing for the Cure

May 9, 2009

Pink bags lined the tables while bright pink and silver balloons floated behind the silent auction items. Tuesday evening we were all wearing our pink ribbons in support of the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

The silent auction was followed by an animated live auction where thousands of dollars were raised in support of  breast cancer treatment. Jacksonville Jaguars quarterback David Garrard helped auction his #9 football jersey in person, posing for photos with high bidders. In fact, the winning bidders returned his jersey to the emcee in order to have people re-bid and raise even more money for the Komen Foundation!

The evening was a success – we had the opportunity to meet many new people while supporting such an important cause. Each guest took home one of our Komen Pink Ribbon cookies – we hope you enjoyed them!

table at komen

Prostate and Lung Cancer Cookies

December 7, 2008

Light blue cookies symbolize Prostate Cancer Awareness, which takes place in September.

Prostate Ribbon Cancer Cookies

Prostate Ribbon Cancer Cookies

White cookies symbolize Lung Cancer Awareness, which falls in November.

Lung Cancer Cookies

Lung Cancer Ribbon Cookies

Show your support for Prostate and Lung Cancer Awareness by ordering our ribbon cookies. Go to Beaches Pastry to place your order.

December Awareness

December 1, 2008

The month of December brings to mind happy thoughts of upcoming holidays (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa) and hope for the coming New Year.

December is also the month for Colorectal Cancer Education and Awareness. Colon and rectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer in the United States, claiming over 50,000 lives each year. According to reseachers, up to 1/3 of these deaths were preventable with proper screening of all people 50 years of age and older.

Promote awareness by ordering our Cancer Ribbon cookies colored in either blue or brown: